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Wednesday 8th to Saturday 11th February
The Parish is back!
Hubcap Theatre presents
The Parish
Written and performed by Michael Ryan and Sean Kelleher
The popular comedy returns to Cork Arts Theatre for four nights only.
The Parish is a hilarious light comedy where two actors bring to life a range of characters that can be found in every rural community. It has performed nationwide including the Blackwater Fit-Up Festival, Kinsale Arts Weekend and West Cork Fit-up Festival.
Running time: 1 hr 15 min, no Interval.
Recommended age 12+
Audience reactions:
“The Parish is absolutely hilarious and makes for a great night out!”
“These two are an amazing combination, a night of fun & laughter. Don’t miss it!”
“Absolutely hilarious and clever, clever, clever!”
Tickets: €15 (plus booking fee)
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