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Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th August 2021 @ 8pm

Mam and Me by Dolores Mannion

‘Mam and Me’ – a comic play about the ups and downs of the relationship between a mother and daughter.

Written by the Cork Arts Theatre Artistic Director, Dolores Mannion, ‘Mam and Me’ tells the story of mother, Dot, who is now living with her daughter, Mary. The two women have found themselves under the same roof again after Mary’s husband found ‘fresher fields’ and is living with “a girl his daughter’s age”. Dot is in constant fear that Mary will send her to a retirement home and so is always suspicious of Mary’s intentions. The constant second-guessing leads to some very funny moments in a play that is also touching and thought-provoking on Mother-Daughter relationships.

Dolores said, “It has been a joy working on this play through both the writing phase and bringing the characters to life on the stage. The oftentimes fractious relationship that mothers and daughters experience is overflowing with drama but no matter what difficulties arise there is no denying the deep bond they share. That has been the inspiration for ‘Mam and Me’.”

The play stars two actresses well-known to Cork theatregoers, Antoinette Hilliard and Fionula Linehan

Tickets: €12, €10 concessions.

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We would like to bring your attention to the following measures that we have put in place to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all our patrons.

  1. Temperature will be taken of staff, actors and audience members as they enter the venue.
  2. Masks must be worn. You may bring your own mask or purchase one if necessary when you arrive.
  3. In accordance with current social distancing, there will be seating for a maximum of 28 persons (or less) with 2 meters distancing. Seats are sold in pairs to ensure that only close contacts sit next to each other.
  4. The theatre will be deep cleaned after each performance.
  5. Seating will be allocated so please check your ticket carefully.
  6. The bar will remain closed for now as per government guidelines.
  7. Door handles will be wiped down every 15 minutes by our staff.
  8. Audience members will be shown to their seats by staff to ensure social distancing.
  9. Weather permitting, audience members are advised to leave the building during the interval.
  10. Our staff have been updated on all the necessary procedures and policies so do please co-operate with their requests to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone.

If you have any queries on the above you can contact us by email at: info@corkartstheatre.com or by phone at 021 450 5624.


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