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Friday 12th to Sunday 14th February 2021 @ 7.30pm

With support from the Cork Arts Theatre and Cork City Council’s Emerging Artists Programme

DoonShee presents a staged, online performance of

‘Katty Barry – Queen of the Coal Quay’

Written and Directed by Marion Wyatt
Music Score by Jimmy Brockie

DoonShee presents a staged, online performance of Katty Barry, Queen of The Coal Quay, written and directed by Marion Wyatt with an original score composed by Jimmy Brockie.

Katty Barry, Queen of The Coal Quay is a new play from the creator of Dockers, Shawlies, When We Were Young, On Albert Road and The Sunbeam Girls. This new play celebrates the life and times of Katty Barry.

The play was written with the support of Miss Barry’s family. All characters are fictitious, with the exception of Katty.

Katty Barry, who was a legend in her own time, ran an eating house in Dalton’s Avenue, just off Cornmarket Street. Her establishment was frequented by peers and paupers alike, and all were treated the same, with nightly songs and stories, as Katty served alcohol, often late at night, despite having no licence, and being repeatedly fined.

The Cork Examiner described Katty Barry as the personification “of a people and a culture peculiar to a particularly colourful and indigenously Cork milieu”, presiding over bohemian Cork life until the closure of her establishment by the late sixties.

The Irish Times stated that Katty Barry remained “elegant, observant, highly intelligent, with a devilish twinkle in her eye and the ability to cut people down to size.”

Cast: Marie O’Donovan, Pearse O’Donoghue, Angela Newman, Judy Donovan, Jimmy Brockie.

Tickets available on TakeYourSeats.ie:   €14.00 (+€1.00 fees)

Duration: 1 hour 55 minutes
Age Restriction: 12+

This performance will be available to view for 24 hours after the starting time.

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Cork Arts Theatre and Cork City CouncilThis production is made possible by the Cork Arts Theatre and Cork City Council’s Emerging Artists Programme.

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About Doonshee

DoonShee making tiny but mighty productions.

DoonShee is committed to producing new works by Irish writers.

DoonShee, where up-and-coming theatre artists work side-by-side with an experienced, established team in bringing “ideas” to full realisation.

Further information: doonsheedoonshee@gmail.com


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