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Wednesday 18th – Saturday 21st September @ 8pm
Matinee – Saturday 21st @ 3pm

Cork Underground Theatre presents

I, Banquo

by Tim Crouch

“Just Imagine, anyway.
Just imagine even if it isn’t true, not really true that we are, and how could it be seeing as we’ve only just met, but just Imagine that we’re FRIENDS”

What would you sacrifice to achieve your dreams? Your friends? Your morals? Your soul? Banquo stood by Macbeth’s side as a friend and equal when he was promised it all. He looked on in awe as the 3 crones foretold Macbeth’s rise. But it could have been him, had things played out differently. No hard feelings.

Join Banquo in “I, Banquo,” a compelling exploration of the events of the infamous Scottish play. Through his eyes, we revisit what might have been, what was, and what could yet be. Featuring original music performed by Banquo’s surviving son, Fleance, this production brings a new dimension to a timeless tale of ambition and consequence.

Directed by Matt Palliser-Kehoe
Starring Pearse O’Donoghue
Featuring Rob Doherty on Guitar
Original Music by Shivaun Alouf
Set Design by Jude O’Neill

Tickets: €18
*Booking fees apply.

Cork Arts Theatre

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