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Cork Arts Theatre present three short films set in Cork that explore the often devastating, always life-changing, impact of abuse, whether at the hands of an individual or that of an institution. Cork Arts Theatre


by Derek O’Gorman Seán, a failed student, sees himself as a victim. This leads to some very serious consequences for those around him. Presented as a one-man short play, performed by Brian O’Riordan and directed by Dolores Mannion.  
Cork Arts Theatre

‘People Watching’

by Laura Reidy Rebecca ‘people watches’ but no longer participates in the outside world. The play explores the reasons why. Performed by Laura Reidy, and directed by Dolores Mannion.  
Cork Arts Theatre

‘Me and Mine’

by Carol Long Follow the character of Marion through three stages of her life: as a young teenager excitedly preparing for an important date; as a middle-aged, recent grandmother as she babysits her grandson; and as an elderly lady reflecting on an event in her youth that changed everything. Written by Carol Long and directed by James Horgan.   *** Please Note: These presentations deal with adult themes and are recommended for ages 15+ only. ***
Tickets: On demand from 8pm, 23 June – €7.50 each (or €15 for all three films) You can book tickets to view these films on the Cork Midsummer Festival website: https://www.corkmidsummer.com/whats-on/short-films [/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_button shortcode_id=”a61ya833j” button_link=”https://www.corkmidsummer.com/whats-on/short-films” button_target=”blank” button_text_align=”left” button_style=”cmsmasters_but_bg_hover” button_font_weight=”bold” button_font_style=”default” button_text_transform=”none” button_border_style=”default” button_bg_color=”#b58e4f” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_bg_color_h=”#000000″ button_text_color_h=”#ffffff” animation_delay=”0″]BOOK NOW[/cmsmasters_button] [cmsmasters_divider shortcode_id=”wmeid4k6l5″ width=”long” height=”1″ position=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ animation_delay=”0″] [cmsmasters_text] Cork Midsummer Festival 2021 [/cmsmasters_text] [cmsmasters_divider shortcode_id=”ut5w3bm3o2″ width=”long” height=”1″ position=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ animation_delay=”0″] [/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row]

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